Assessing infectivity of emerging enveloped viruses in wastewater and sewage sludge: relevance and procedures.
Chaqroun A., Bertrand I., Wurtzer S., Moulin L., Boni M., Soubies S., Boudaud N., Gantzer C., 2024. May.
Eaux usées et agents de la menace NRBC. L’actualité chimique, mars 2024, 493, 2024 : 9-12.
Highly efficient and sensitive membrane-based concentration process allows quantification, surveillance, and sequencing of viruses in large volumes of wastewater
El Soufi G., Jorio LD., Gerber Z., Cluzel N., Assche JV., Rohr O., and Obepine consortium, February 2024
Implementation of a National Wastewater Surveillance System in France as a Tool to Support Public Authorities During the Covid Crisis: The Obepine Project, in: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 1–29
Toward better monitoring of human noroviruses and F-specific RNA bacteriophages in aquatic environments using bivalve mollusks and passive samplers: A case study
Implementation of a National Wastewater Surveillance System in France as a Tool to Support Public Authorities During the Covid Crisis: The Obepine Project
Boni M. et Obepine consortium. Springer, 2023.
“Wastewater-based epidemiology: current status and future of an alternative epidemiological method for detecting and tracking epidemics”
Maréchal V., Boni M., Maday Y., Cluzel N., Obepine consortium.
Hal Open Science, 2023.
“SARS–CoV–2 whole–genome sequencing using oxford nanopore technology for variant monitoring in wastewaters“
Barbe L., Schaeffer J., Besnard A., Jousse S., Wurtzer S., Moulin L., Obepine consortium (Boni M.), Le Guyader S., Desdouits M.
Frontiers In Microbiology, 2022,13, 889811 (14p.)
“The French Armed Forces Biomedical Research Institute (IRBA) and wastewater-based epidemiology: Applicability and relevance in armed forces“
“Development of passive samplers for the detection of SARS–CoV–2 in sewage and seawater: Application for the monitoring of sewage“
Vincent-Hubert F., Wacrenier C., Desdouits M., Jousse S., Schaefer J., Le Mehaute P., Nakache Danglot F., Obepine consortium, Le Guyader S.
Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 155139, ISSN 0048–9697.
“Reduction in SARS–CoV–2 Virus Infectivity in Human and Hamster Feces“
Wurtzer, S., Lacote, S., Murri S., Marianneau P., Monchatre–Leroy E., Boni M., Ferraris O., Maday Y., Kébé O., Dia N., Peyrefitte C., Sokol H., Obepine consortium, Moulin L, Maréchal V.
Viruses 2022, 14, 1777.
“From Alpha to Omicron BA.2 : New digital RT–PCR approach and challenges for SARS–CoV–2 VOC monitoring and normalization of variant dynamics in wastewater”
Wurtzer S., Levert M., Dhenain E., Accrombessi H., Manco S., Fagour N., Goulet M., Boudaud N., Gaillard L., Bertrand I., Challant J., Masnada S., Azimi S., Gillon-Ritz M., Robin A., Mouchel J.–M., Obepine consortium, Moulin L.
Science of The Total Environment,Volume 848, 2022,157740, ISSN 0048–9697.
“SARS-CoV-2 Variability in Patients and Wastewaters—Potential Immuno-Modulation during the Shift from Delta to Omicron”
Chaqroun A., Hartard C., Josse T., Taverniers A., Jeulin H., Gantzer C., Murray J-M., Obepine consortium, Bertrand I, Schvoerer E.
Biomedicines. 2022 ; 10(9):2080.
“First detectionon of Monkeypox virus genome in sewersheds in France. The potential of wastewater–based epidemiology for monitoring emerging disease”
Wurtzer S., Levert M., Dhenain E. Boni M., Tournier JN., Londinsky N., Lefranc A., Ferraris O., Moulin L.
Environmental Science & Technology LeEers 2022, 9, 11, 991–996.
“Implementation of a national wastewater surveillance system in France as a tool to support public authorities during the COVID crisis: the Obepine project“
Boni M., Wurtzer S. et al.
in The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry (698) – Wastewater Surveillance of Covid–19: Perspective, Problem, Prevalence and Precedence (Springer), (Series Editors: Barceló, Damià, Kostianoy, Andrey G.), (accepté, en cours de publication), 2022.
“SARS-CoV-2 genome quantification in wastewaters at regional and city scale allows precise monitoring of the whole outbreaks dynamics and variants spreading in the population“
Wurtzer, S., Waldman, P., Levert, M., Cluzel, N., Almayrac, J. L., Charpentier, C., Masnada, S., Gillon-Ritz, M., Mouchel, J. M., Maday, Y., Boni, M., OBEPINE Consortium, AP-HP Virologist Group, Marechal, V., & Moulin, L., 2022, The Science of the total environment, 810, 152213.
“A flexible smoother adapted to censored data with outliers and its application to SARS-CoV-2 monitoring in wastewater“
Courbariaux M., Cluzel N., Wang, S. Maréchal V., Moulin L., Wurtzer S., Obépine consortium, Mouchel J.-M., Maday Y., Nuel G.
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2022, Vol 3,,
“A nationwide indicator to smooth and normalize heterogeneous SARS-CoV-2 RNA data in wastewater“
Cluzel N., Courbariaux M., Wang S., Moulin L., Wurtzer S., Bertrand I., Laurent K., Monfort P., Gantzer C., Le Guyader S., Boni M., Mouchel
J.-M., Maréchal V., Nuel G., Maday Y.
Environment International, 2022/1/1, Volume 158, Pages : 106998
“L’épidémiologie basée sur les eaux usées, un outil innovant pour le suivi sanitaire des populations : l’exemple du réseau Obépine, sentinelle de l’épidémie de Covid-19 / Wastewater-based epidemiology, an innovative tool for population health monitoring: example of the Obépine network, sentinel of the Covid-19 outbreak“
Moulin L., Boni M., Cluzel N., Gary P., Le Guyader Soizick, Levert M., Maday Y., Marechal V., Mouchel J.-M., Wang S., Wurtzer S. Techniques Sciences Méthodes, Spécial(COVID-19), 21-30. Publisher’s official version :
“Monitoring the propagation of SARS CoV2 variants by tracking identified mutation in wastewater using specific RT-qPCR“
Wurtzer S., Waldman P., Levert M., Mouchel J.-M., Gorgé O., Boni M., Maday Y., OBEPINE consortium, Marechal V., Moulin L.
“Maladies infectieuses virales vues au travers des eaux usées“
Wurtzer S., Maréchal V., Bertrand I., Boni M., Le Guyader S., Moulin L., Maday Y., Gantzer C., Mouchel J-M.
Virologie, 2021, Volume 25, Numéro 1, 8-11: doi:10.1684/vir.2021.0881
“Several forms of SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be detected in wastewaters : implication for wastewater- based epidemiology and risk assessment”
Wurtzer S., Waldman P., Ferrier-Rembert A., Frenois-Veyrat G., Mouchel JM., Boni M., Maday Y., OBEPINE consortium, Marechal V. & Moulin L.
Soumis à Water Research et disponible en archive ouverte depuis le 22/12/2020, accepté le 18/04/2021 :
“Epidemiological surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 by genome quantification in wastewater applied to a city in the northeast of France: comparison of ultrafiltration and protein precipitation based-methods”
Bertrand I., Challant J., Jeulin H., Hartard C., Mathieu L., Lopez S., Scientific Interest Group Obépine, Schvoerer E., Courtois S., Gantzer C.
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, Soumis le 27 Août 2020, accepté le 12 Janvier 2021, publié le 31 Janvier 2021
“Surveillance des eaux usées du porte–avions Charles de Gaulle dans le cadre de la pandémie SARS–COV–2″
Bulletin de l’Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique. Numéro 120. 2021.
“Epidemiological Forecasting with Model Reduction of Compartmental Models. Application to the COVID-19 pandemic”
Bakhta A., Thomas Boiveau, Maday Y., Mula O.
Biology 2021, 10, 22., Soumis le 3 Novembre 2020, accepté le 23 Décembre 2020, publié le 31 Décembre 2020
“Can shellfish be used to monitor SARS–CoV–2 in the coastal environment?”
Desdouits M. et al.
Sci Total Environ. 2021.
“Obepine : A french experiment to monitor the Covid-19 iepidemic through wastewater”
Maréchal V., Moulin L., Maday Y., Boni M., teyssou R., Wurtzer S., Mouchel J-M., Bertrand I., Gantzer C., Le Guyader S.
Bulletin de l’Acadamédie Vétérinaire de France, 2021, Vol 174.
“Somatic coliphages are conservative indicators of SARS–CoV–2 inactivation during heat and alkaline pH treatments“
Varbanov M., Bertrand I., Philippot S., Retourney C., Gardette M., Hartard C., Jeulin H., Duval R-E, Loret J-F, Schvoerer E, Gantzer C.
Sci Total Environ 797:149112. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149112
OBEPINE, (2021)
“Evaluation of 17th March 2020 lockdown effect on SARS-CoV-2 dynamics through viral genome quantification in Greater Paris wastewaters , France, 5 March to 23 April 2020”
Wurtzer S., Marechal V., Mouchel J-M., Maday Y., Teyssou R., Richard E., Almayrac J-L., Moulin L.
Eurosurveillance 2020;25(50):pii=2000776.
Article soumis le 28 Avril 2020, accepté le 20 Septembre 2020, publié le 17 Décembre 2020
Le commentaire publié par Science à la suite de la soumission de notre premier papier (Wurtzer et al, Eurosurveillance).
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